If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of EC’23, see the sponsorship opportunities below.
For $2500:
- Your sponsorship will be acknowledged at the conference venue, in the conference program, on the conference website (e.g., see the list of sponsors from 2022; 2021), and in the conference proceedings (e.g., see the front matter from our official proceedings from 2022; 2021).
- You will have the opportunity to include your promotional materials among the items given to registered participants.
- You will have the opportunity to have a “sponsored poster” that someone from your company can present alongside the regular posters during the conference poster session, which may be virtual/online.
For $5000, in addition to the above:
- You will have the opportunity to have a sponsor table during the opening reception.
- We will provide you with a complimentary registration.
For $10,000, in addition to the above:
- You will have the opportunity to have a sponsor table somewhere in the conference venue during at least one full day of the conference.
- We will provide you with a list of attendees who opt-in to receive recruiting information.
- We will provide you with a total of two complimentary registrations.
For $20,000, in addition to the above:
- An event will be named for your company. It could be one of our regular luncheons that would be advertised as the “COMPANY NAME Luncheon”. Alternatively, if you wish to organize a separate “COMPANY NAME Reception” for the attendees, we would of course advertise it to our attendees and encourage attendance.
- If you choose to have one of our luncheons named for your company, then you’d have the opportunity to give a 15 minute talk about your company during the aforementioned event.
- We will provide you with a total of three complimentary registrations.