The 24rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC’23) will host “Highlights beyond EC” sessions, highlighting some of the best work in economics and computation that appears in conferences and journals other than EC, or mature working papers. These sessions will be held during the week of EC tutorials. The intention of this session is to expose EC attendees to related work just beyond the boundary of their current awareness. We seek nominations for papers in Economics and Computation that have made breakthrough advances, opened up new horizons for research, made interesting connections between different scientific areas, or had significant impact on practice. Examples of relevant conferences and journals include STOC/FOCS/SODA/ITCS, AAAI/IJCAI/AAMAS, NIPS/ICML/COLT, WWW/KDD, AER/Econometrica/JPE/QJE/RESTUD/TE/AEJ Micro/JET/GEB, and Math of OR/Management Science/Operations Research.
Who can nominate? This call is open to everyone (self-nominations are also allowed), but we particularly encourage members of PCs or editorial boards in various venues to submit nominations.
Deadline: April 10, 2023.
Nomination format: Nominations should be emailed to, and should include:
- Paper title and author names.
- Publication venue or online working version. Preference will be given to papers that have appeared in a related conference or journal within the past two years, or have a working version circulated within the past two years.
- A few sentences explaining why the paper is a good fit for highlights beyond EC.
- Names of 1-3 experts on the area of the paper.
Highlights Beyond EC Committee: Costis Daskalakis (MIT), Yuqing Kong (Peking University), Jacob Leshno (Chicago), Azarakhsh Malekian (University of Toronto), Amin Saberi (Stanford) and Rann Smorodinsky (Technion).